Simon Shaw
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This worksheet is based on the material in the notebooks
We look at a specific example of using SVD to compress a photograph.
Note that while the 'lecture' notebooks are prefixed with 1_
, 2_
and so on,
to indicate the order in which they should be studied, the worksheets are prefixed
with A_
, B_
, ...
# Two new imports here ... PIL and IPython
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import IPython.display
# Use a jpeg photo - ffc.jpg is about 6.2MB (use your own path/filename here)
IPython.display.Image(filename='./gfx/ffc.jpg', width = 150)
# that is just a display, so ...
# load in the FFC bear - Roy - and visually check him.
img ='./gfx/ffc.jpg')
# convert him to a numpy array for processing as a matrix
a = np.asarray(img)
im_orig = Image.fromarray(a)
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7fbaf88c9908>
This image is made up of pixels where each pixel has a value for RED, GREEN and BLUE. We can get these colour bands and show them as follows...
# convert band 'bnd' to a numpy array and show them...
for bnd in range(3):
plt.subplot(1, 3, 1+bnd)
img_mat = np.array(list(img.getdata(bnd)), float)
img_mat = np.matrix(img_mat)
img_mat.shape = (img.size[1], img.size[0])
# get the red, green and blue bands as separate objects...
rband =img.getdata(band=0)
gband =img.getdata(band=1)
bband =img.getdata(band=2)
# and convert each to a numpy arrays for maths processing
imgr_mat = np.array(list(rband), float)
imgg_mat = np.array(list(gband), float)
imgb_mat = np.array(list(bband), float)
# each of these is about 64k elements
print('sizes = ', imgr_mat.size, imgg_mat.size, imgb_mat.size)
print('shapes = ', imgr_mat.shape, imgg_mat.shape, imgb_mat.shape)
sizes = 64144128 64144128 64144128 shapes = (64144128,) (64144128,) (64144128,)
# get image shape - we can assume they are all the same
imgr_mat.shape = imgg_mat.shape = imgb_mat.shape = (img.size[1], img.size[0])
print('imgr_mat.shape = ', imgr_mat.shape)
print('imgg_mat.shape = ', imgg_mat.shape)
print('imgb_mat.shape = ', imgb_mat.shape)
# convert these 1D-arrays to matrices
imgr_mat1D = np.matrix(imgr_mat)
imgg_mat1D = np.matrix(imgg_mat)
imgb_mat1D = np.matrix(imgb_mat)
imgr_mat.shape = (9248, 6936) imgg_mat.shape = (9248, 6936) imgb_mat.shape = (9248, 6936) <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
The chained assignment above is OK but you should be aware that there are pitfalls... Take a look here for example.
It depends on what is being chained... Here they are just values and not objects...
print(imgb_mat.shape is imgg_mat.shape)
# each of these is about 64 million elements: 9248 by 6936
print('sizes = ', imgr_mat1D.size, imgg_mat1D.size, imgb_mat1D.size)
print('shapes = ', imgr_mat1D.shape, imgg_mat1D.shape, imgb_mat1D.shape)
print('check: 9248 x 6936 = ', 9248 * 6936)
sizes = 64144128 64144128 64144128 shapes = (9248, 6936) (9248, 6936) (9248, 6936) check: 9248 x 6936 = 64144128
Let's look at these matrices - the following code introduces subplot
fig=plt.figure(figsize=(8, 3))
fig.suptitle('Horizontally stacked subplots', fontsize=fontsize)
axs=fig.add_subplot(1,3,1); axs.imshow(imgr_mat)
axs.set_xlabel('x', fontsize=fontsize); axs.set_ylabel('y', fontsize=fontsize)
axs.set_title('RED', fontsize=fontsize)
axs=fig.add_subplot(1,3,2); axs.imshow(imgg_mat)
axs.set_xlabel('x', fontsize=fontsize); axs.set_ylabel('y', fontsize=fontsize)
axs.set_title('GREEN', fontsize=fontsize)
axs=fig.add_subplot(1,3,3); axs.imshow(imgb_mat)
axs.set_xlabel('x', fontsize=fontsize); axs.set_ylabel('y', fontsize=fontsize)
axs.set_title('BLUE', fontsize=fontsize)
# use fractions of fontsize
plt.tight_layout(pad=0.3, w_pad=2.5, h_pad=0.3);
Let's look at how much memory these photo layers occupy...
print('Each matrix contains ', imgr_mat.size, ' elements')
print('Each element occupies ', imgr_mat.itemsize, ' bytes')
print('So each matrix occupies ', imgr_mat.size * imgg_mat.itemsize, ' bytes in memory')
print('This is ', 3*imgr_mat.size * imgg_mat.itemsize, ' bytes for all three')
print('This is {:e} bytes for all three'.format(3*imgr_mat.size * imgg_mat.itemsize))
Each matrix contains 64144128 elements Each element occupies 8 bytes So each matrix occupies 513153024 bytes in memory This is 1539459072 bytes for all three This is 1.539459e+09 bytes for all three
Now that we know about the Singular Value Decomposition, we can hope to compress these objects using mathematics.
First get the SVD's of the R, G and B layers... (takes a while)
Ur, Sr, VTr = np.linalg.svd(imgr_mat)
Ug, Sg, VTg = np.linalg.svd(imgg_mat)
Ub, Sb, VTb = np.linalg.svd(imgb_mat)
print(f'RED: shapes of Ur, Sr, VTr = {Ur.shape}, {Sr.shape}, {VTr.shape}')
print(f'GREEN: shapes of Ug, Sg, VTg = {Ug.shape}, {Sg.shape}, {VTg.shape}')
print(f'BLUE: shapes of Ub, Sb, VTb = {Ub.shape}, {Sb.shape}, {VTb.shape}')
RED: shapes of Ur, Sr, VTr = (9248, 9248), (6936,), (6936, 6936) GREEN: shapes of Ug, Sg, VTg = (9248, 9248), (6936,), (6936, 6936) BLUE: shapes of Ub, Sb, VTb = (9248, 9248), (6936,), (6936, 6936)
# choose the number of components to use in the reconstruction
nc = 5 # 1387
rec_imgr = np.matrix(Ur[:, :nc]) * np.diag(Sr[:nc]) * np.matrix(VTr[:nc, :])
rec_imgg = np.matrix(Ug[:, :nc]) * np.diag(Sg[:nc]) * np.matrix(VTg[:nc, :])
rec_imgb = np.matrix(Ub[:, :nc]) * np.diag(Sb[:nc]) * np.matrix(VTb[:nc, :])
img_all = np.array([rec_imgr, rec_imgg, rec_imgb]).T
img_all = np.swapaxes(img_all,0,1)
PIL_image = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(img_all)).convert('RGB')
# uncomment this to spawn an external viewer
# save the reconstruction"ffc_recon.jpg")
fig=plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5))
fig.suptitle('Comparison', fontsize=30)
ax = plt.gca()
im = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(img_all)).convert('RGB')
ax.set_title(f'Recon, nc = {nc}', fontsize=20)
ax = plt.gca()
ax.set_title('original', fontsize=20)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'original')
We have seen a few examples now of how the SVD can play a very important role in Data Science. It is able to take data in matrix-form and distill it to its essence.
do these suggest?nc[0]),Sr, log=True)
<BarContainer object of 6936 artists>
# this fails - there are too many and each bar is too thin to show
# plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) # you can try a bigger plot, doesn't help[0]),Sr)
<BarContainer object of 6936 artists>,Sr[:50])
<BarContainer object of 50 artists>
components divided by the
size of the original print('Each matrix contains ', imgr_mat.size, ' elements')
print('Each element occupies ', imgr_mat.itemsize, ' bytes')
print('So each matrix occupies ', imgr_mat.size * imgg_mat.itemsize, ' bytes in memory')
num_bytes_orig = 3*imgr_mat.size * imgg_mat.itemsize
print(f'This is {num_bytes_orig} bytes for all three')
Each matrix contains 64144128 elements Each element occupies 8 bytes So each matrix occupies 513153024 bytes in memory This is 1539459072 bytes for all three
For nc
components, for each colour, we had this:
rec_imgr = np.matrix(Ur[:, :nc]) * np.diag(Sr[:nc]) * np.matrix(VTr[:nc, :])
So, for this colour we need nc
columns in Ur
, nc
scalars in Sr
rows in VTr
. And the same for each of the other colours.
print(f'RED: shapes of Ur, Sr, VTr = {Ur.shape}, {Sr.shape}, {VTr.shape}')
num_bytes_recon = 3*nc*(Ur.shape[1] + 1 + VTr.shape[0])*Ur.itemsize
print(f'This is {num_bytes_recon} bytes for all three')
RED: shapes of Ur, Sr, VTr = (9248, 9248), (6936,), (6936, 6936) This is 1942200 bytes for all three
# The percentage memory savings ratio is then...
print(f'percentage savings in bytes = {100*num_bytes_recon/num_bytes_orig} %')
percentage savings in bytes = 0.12616119748326768 %
The graphics are unlikely to fit on the slide - use the notebook
# cell toggle scrolling from menu to prevent small window and scroll bar
fontsize=20; fig=plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15))
fig.suptitle('First Few Modes', fontsize=fontsize)
c = 0; max_m = 5; step_m = 2
for m in range(0,max_m*step_m, step_m):
n = m+1
c += 1
mode_imgr = np.matrix(Ur[:, m:n]) * np.diag(Sr[m:n]) * np.matrix(VTr[m:n, :])
axs.set_title('red, mode = '+str(m), fontsize=fontsize)
c += 1
mode_imgg = np.matrix(Ug[:, m:n]) * np.diag(Sg[m:n]) * np.matrix(VTg[m:n, :])
axs.set_title('green, mode = '+str(m), fontsize=fontsize)
c += 1
mode_imgb = np.matrix(Ub[:, m:n]) * np.diag(Sb[m:n]) * np.matrix(VTb[m:n, :])
axs.set_title('blue, mode = '+str(m), fontsize=fontsize)
The graphics are unlikely to fit on the slide - use the notebook
# cell toggle scrolling from menu to prevent small window and scroll bar
fig.suptitle('First Few Modes Combined', fontsize=fontsize)
m = 0; n = max_m*step_m
c = 1
mode_imgr = np.matrix(Ur[:, m:n]) * np.diag(Sr[m:n]) * np.matrix(VTr[m:n, :])
axs.set_title('red, modes up to = '+str(n), fontsize=fontsize)
c += 1
mode_imgg = np.matrix(Ug[:, m:n]) * np.diag(Sg[m:n]) * np.matrix(VTg[m:n, :])
axs.set_title('green, modes up to = '+str(n), fontsize=fontsize)
c += 1
mode_imgb = np.matrix(Ub[:, m:n]) * np.diag(Sb[m:n]) * np.matrix(VTb[m:n, :])
axs.set_title('blue, modes up to = '+str(n), fontsize=fontsize)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'blue, modes up to = 10')